Monday, July 23, 2007

Aruba Turtle Nesting Season Just Started

Aruba’s turtle nesting season extends from May to August. During this time, Turtugaruba, the local foundation for the protection of the sea turtles, sets up red-and-white barriers around nesting areas to prevent drivers from crushing the eggs and to guarantee a safe incubation period of two months.All species of sea turtles are endangered and need protection. To do so, you are asked not to drive on beaches, litter, or use flashlights or flash photography at night. If you see any nesting turtles, please stay away and don’t disturb them. You can help by calling the Turtugaruba 24-hour Hotline (964-9138) or by notifying your hotel front desk if you witness a sea turtle making its nest or see turtle crawl marks

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